Source code for buffer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May  2 10:35:46 2018

@author: jpelda
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

[docs]def buffer(gdf, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, factor=1.9): """Creates buffer around points. Buffer is rectangle with x == length of map divided by amounts of points in x-direction and y = length of map divided by amounts of poitns in y direction. CRS is variable. ARGS: ----- gdf : geopandas.GeoDataFrame() gdf['len_x'], gdf['len_y'], gdf['CENTROID'] x_max : float length of map in x direction y_max : float length of map in y direction KWARGS: ------- factor : float Defines the boarder around each rectangle by (rectangle's width)/ factor RETURNS: ------- polygons : list polygons of shape rectangle """ gdf_length_x = gdf['len_x'][0] gdf_length_y = gdf['len_y'][0] gdf_x_length = x_max - x_min gdf_y_length = y_max - y_min factor = factor delta = gdf_x_length / gdf_length_x border = delta / factor delta_x = gdf_x_length / gdf_length_x - border # delta = gdf_y_length / gdf_length_y # border = delta / factor delta_y = gdf_y_length / gdf_length_y - border geo = [Polygon(((point.x - delta_x, point.y - delta_y), (point.x + delta_x, point.y - delta_y), (point.x + delta_x, point.y + delta_y), (point.x - delta_x, point.y + delta_y), (point.x - delta_x, point.y - delta_y))) for point in gdf['CENTROID']] return geo